Enterprise Development


The goal of Enterprise  program is to reduce poverty through the creation and development of micro-enterprises. Every member of the human society, the best creation of Almighty Allah, is blessed with some sort of capacity. The poor people also have some qualifications. With the counseling, education and training, many in the society have the potential to become entrepreneurs. Modern and appropriate technology may change their work pattern and product diversification.


The smart members of the society are selected and organized as micro-entrepreneurs and their actions are facilitated by IFSD through training, counseling and skill development.


The Foundation is provided with small investment fund or materials for scaling up of their existing businesses or startup. They are mainly engaged in business like cow raring, beaf fattening, commercial agro-farming, poultry farming, renting agro-machineries, small retail businesses,Services etc.

Here at IFSD Foundation, we thrive to bring positive changes in the world through self development. We look forward to your caliber and contribution to make it possible.


House # 753, Middle Monipur, Mirpur - 2, Dhaka 1216. Bangladesh


With enthusiastic employees and volunteers, we are ready to support you no matter any time.

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